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Resilience and Innovation in NZ Agriculture

  • Virtual event - held on Zoom (map)
9. Eventbrite - Min. Ag.jpg

NZ Agriculture has shown great resilience and innovation in challenging times. New Zealand businesses have overcome challenges that New Zealand has not seen before including major disruptions to both local and international supply chains as a result of COVID-19. This has also resulted in flow-on effects to other parts of not only our primary industries but also to the overall health of New Zealand's GDP.

"There are no formal restrictions on market access for the vast majority of goods exports and imports as a result of COVID-19 but the global pandemic continues to place pressure on global supply chains and is disrupting trade flows and the wider international economy. " - Ministry of Primary Industries (30 June 2020)

Looking ahead to the future of food, fibre and agritech and starting the recovery from a period of uncertainty, how are we placed for an efficient recovery? How have NZ primary industries fared in light of the lockdown measures? How has The Minister viewed the commencement of the recovery phase and the recovery curve in comparison to our production possibility frontier curve? What does The Ministry intend to do or invest in, to ensure that NZ agriculture continues to feel supported? What can we do to ensure that the innovation adopted by NZ agriculture continues and is pro-active rather than reactive in future? What investments does the NZ Government see paramount going forward, and how will this further improve innovation in NZ agriculture?

This special edition of our Innovation Series will provide an overview of what we should all be considering in this unprecedented time.

Finding opportunities, and acting on these, requires collaboration and leadership. In this session, we will explore these opportunities and hear from Hon. Damien O'Connor about what is next for New Zealand's primary industries.


9.00am :  Welcome, introduction and housekeeping (Julia Henson - Communications and Events Manager, B.linc Innovation)

9.10am : Keynote address - Hon. Damien O'Connor (Minister of Agriculture, Biosecurity, Food Safety, Rural Communities and Minister of State for Trade and Export Growth)

9.30am : Virtual interactive Q&A session with the audience (via Zoom webinar)

9.55am: Wrap up and conclusions (Julia Henson - Communications and Events Manager, B.linc Innovation)

10.00am : Event finishes

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