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Unlocking the Potential of Maori Land

  • Zoom Webinar New Zealand (map)

Here’s a copy of Holden’s Slides

“Whatungarongaro te tangata, toitū te whenua” People come and go, but the land endures

Unlocking the potential of Māori land requires and understanding of key components of Māori knowledge/values, assets/taonga, Māori governance and decision-making. Māori have a significant asset base primarily in land based industries and agribusiness and are increasingly exploring private and crown partnerships to generate commercial and social returns.

Join us as we hear from Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research on the issues we face in developing future land use whilst acknowledge these components to ensure Māori land owners, trustees and whānau have greater decision-making powers and better support for the occupation, development, and utilisation of that land for the benefit of its owners and descendants.

The B.linc VIBE event series is an opportunity to hear from one of the wider Lincoln precinct companies about their business and to touch base, reconnect and build connections across the precinct. 

Tuesday 15th March

 4.00pm - 5.00pm

Zoom Webinar


4.00pm -     Welcome from B.linc
4.15pm -     Presentation from Keynote
4:45pm -     Q&A Session
5.00pm -     Event finishes

Our Speaker

Holden Hohaia

Holden Hohaia (Ngāti Maruwharanui/Te Ātiawa-Taranaki Whānui);

Bachelor of Laws, Certified Māori Language Interpreter/Translater (Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori);

Current Chair – Te Kāhui Maru, Ngāti Maru’s Post Settlement Governance Entity

Immediate Past Chair – Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o te Ika: Te Ātiawa’s Post Settlement Governance Entity

Trustee – Te Aro Pā Trust: Taranaki Whānui ki Pōneke affiliated pakakāinga housing provider

Currently General Manager Māori Partnerships at Manaaki Whenua

Click here to see more events

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Later Event: March 24
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