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Our Land & Water

  • Virtual Zoom Webinar New Zealand (map)

Toitū te Whenua, Toiora te Wai

Our Land and Water aims to enhance New Zealand's primary sector's production and productivity while maintaining and improving the quality of the country's land and water for future generations. The Our Land and Water National Science Challenge aims to preserve the most fundamental treasures of our country – our land, water and associated ecosystems – while producing value from those same treasures. As a challenge, this is the ultimate. Every New Zealander, alive today and yet to come, have a stake in the outcome.

Envisaging a future in which catchments contain mosaics of land uses that are more resilient, healthy and prosperous than they are today. A future where all New Zealanders can be proud of the state of our land and water and benefit from the sustainable value it delivers back to them. But that future will require ways of thinking and interacting with land and water that fundamentally differ from today. This transition needs to happen quickly, with industry and communities working together for change.

Transformative solutions are required. The 'theory of change' is that consumers will reward sustainable production. The prospect of capturing more of this value will incentivise producers to make choices that lead to better environmental, social and cultural outcomes.

Join us to hear from Our Land and Water as they share more about the National Science Challenge and how you can be involved.

The B.linc VIBE event series is an opportunity to hear from one of the wider Lincoln precinct companies about their business and to touch base, reconnect and build connections across the precinct.


4.00pm -    Welcome from B.linc
4.15pm -     Presentation from Keynote
4:45pm -    Q&A Session
5.00pm -    Event finishes

About Our Speaker

Dr Jenny Webster-Brown

Jenny Webster-Brown is the current Director of the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge.  Her career as a water quality scientist spans nearly 40 years, and encompasses research, teaching and consultancy, focussing on the impacts of land use and natural resource exploitation on natural freshwater systems.  She worked with DSIR Chemistry Division,  ESR and the University of Auckland,  before moving to Canterbury in 2010 to take up the position of Professor of Water Resource Management, and set up the Waterways Centre for Freshwater Management; a joint University of Canterbury/Lincoln University teaching and research centre.   She commenced her role with OLW National Science Challenge in May 2020.   

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