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Farmers Marketing for Consumers

  • Virtual Livestream event (via zoom webinar) New Zealand (map)

The consumer model is constantly shifting, with many customers today focusing on what is known as “conscious consumerism”—the buying practices driven by a commitment to making purchasing decisions that have a positive social, economic, and environmental impact.

So how can farmers use this knowledge to make important decisions on what and even how they are growing and how can they make the most of this when selling their products?

Short value chains play a key role in the emerging food networks that are continuously arising as an alternative to the globalized agri-food model. The diversities and particularities of the experiences existing all over the world like farmers’ markets or on-farm selling, have attracted a growing interest from academia and policy-makers due to the nature of these initiatives, as well as for the socioeconomic, territorial and environmental scope.

Join us to hear from experts in this field who can provide advice and stats which just might make you think how you as a farmer can capitalise on these insights or how you as a consumer can influence things in the food industry.


9.00am : Welcome & introduction

9.10am : Keynote address 1 – Lincoln University - Mark Wilson

Share examples of short value chains and the benefits and drawbacks of these initiatives. Why is conscious consumerism rising and what effect will this ultimately have on the ag industry? Where are short value chains successful in the world, can we draw any conclusions from these to implement here in New Zealand?

9.30am : Keynote address 2 – Grow Good - Tim Jones

Share your definition of conscious consumerism and why you think it is becoming more important for the ag industry. Provide insights on consumer opinions of short value chains. What advice can you give to farmers looking to implement and adopt new practices to fit in with consumer trends?

9.50am : Keynote address 3 – Thulani Fresh Free Range Eggs - Bruce Greig

Share your journey on how you have used what you know about your consumers to diversify your farm. How has your initial idea changed based on information about your consumers throughout the process of getting it to market. 

10.10am : Panel discussion/Interactive Q&A session with audience

10.30am : Event finishes

Meet Our Speakers

Associate Professor Mark M.J. Wilson

 Mark specialises in the field of supply chain management. With a Ph.D from Lincoln University, he has over 38 years industry and Defence experience in integrated supply chain systems at operational and strategic levels. Mark is currently teaching supply chain management and logistics at the degree and postgraduate level as well as currently supervising Masters and Ph.D students. Mark’s research has been published in international journals such at the Journal of Knowledge Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Agricultural Systems, International Journal of Production Research, International Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Engineering Construction and Architecture Management, International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research and others. Mark is also on the editorial board of the Defence Analytics and Logistics Journal in the United States.


Mark’s current research interests are:

  • Supply chain management theory and practice

  • Inter-organisational governance and structure

  • Complex networks in supply chains

  • Value creation and capture in agribusiness supply chain systems

  • Disaster response supply chains and Humanitarian logistics.


Mark was one of three Principle Investigators for the National Science Challenges, Our Land and Water, Integrated Value Chains project worth $1.8M that was completed successfully in mid 2019. Mark is married to Robyn, lives in Lincoln, has 4 children and 6 grandchildren, enjoys rugby and avoiding gardening.

Tim Jones, The Grow Good Guy

Tim is New Zealand’s 1st qualified B Consultant having successfully completed the training programme run by B Lab ANZ. To date he has helped more than 60 companies from around the world successfully navigate the B Corp Impact Assessment, and is working with new businesses every month to take them through the process.

Bruce Greig, Thulani Free Range Eggs

The owner and operator of Thulani Free Range Eggs, Bruce Greig was born and raised in South Africa. From an early age he expressed an interest in farming. Since then his main goal in life was to become a farmer. To this end Bruce studied agriculture at University and worked on farms during vacations. He travelled for three years around the world working on farms and studying overseas agricultural industries. He arrived in New Zealand in the spring of 1999 to work on a Southland dairy farm.

Since then he has worked om numerous dairy farms, taught at Telford Rural Polytechnic, worked as a consulting officer for DairyNZ, and has been teaching at Lincoln University for 16 years,  as well as farming Thulani.

Bruce bought Thulani in 2006 on the outskirts of Lincoln. Over the years the farm has predominately produced grazing, hay and silage. In 2016 began a new challenge of farming free range hens for egg production on this former dry stock property. “Thulani” is the Zulu (native tribe of Africa) word for peace and quiet. It is a small farm alongside the Halswell river overlooking Canterbury’s Port Hills.

Bruce enjoys working with hens and believes his system allows the birds to express their natural behaviour, have continuous and permanent access to pasture, and produce wholesome fresh eggs. These eggs are brought to you direct from the farm.

Thulani Free Range Eggs is a perfect example of integrated genuine pasture raised free range. Mobile sheds on permanent green pasture shared with other animals. No cages, no fences, no hormones, no antibiotics, no artificial light - just as nature intended. Eggs hand picked daily and available to customers within hours. Family business providing premium, wholesome, fresh eggs directly to customers. “The eggs taste so good because the hens live so good”

 Bruce will be pleased to share his experience – the concept, the vision, the model, the challenges and rewards.  Bruce markets his eggs directly to consumers, every customer he knows personally. He has a diverse marketing strategy.  He is also a participant in a number of egg industry activities.

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