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Computer Vision on Farm

  • B.linc Workshop & Live Streaming (zoom) Lincoln University Campus Lincoln New Zealand (map)
9. Eventbrite.jpg

Computer vision is an area of artificial intelligence that guides computers to decipher and comprehend the visual world. Using digital images from cameras and videos and deep learning models, machines can accurately identify and classify objects — and then react to what they “see.”

Soil and water management are at the core of agriculture’s success. Unprecedented stress on these natural resources has forced humans to think about ways to solve for, move away from, and even artificially mimic the conditions that plants need to grow. Computer vision, combined with artificial intelligence, is being rapidly developed for farmers to use their resources more thoughtfully and efficiently.

This event will explore what pressures are on our agricultural industry and how different cutting-edge technologies are already being used to relieve these.        


8.30am: Arrival

8.45am:  Networking

9.05am: Welcome & introduction (virtual streaming starts)

9.15am: Keynote address 1 - Seth Laurenson and Remy Lasseur - AgResearch

9.40am: Keynote address 2 - Jaco Fourie, Lincoln Agritech

9.55am: Keynote address 3 - Craige MacKenzie, Greenvale Pastures

10.10am: Panel discussion/interactive Q&A session with the audience

10.30am: Live streaming ends. Speaking finishes, networking

11.00am: Event finishes

Introducing our speakers


Dr Remy Lasseur, AgResearch

Remy is a landscape ecologist with a PhD in ecosystem services mapping. Remy has a strong background in spatial modelling of landscape processes, remote sensing and assessing land multifunctionality. Remy current focus is on the use of visualisation technologies to develop a new generation of digital tools that will ultimately facilitate the sustainable transition of landscapes. 


Dr Seth Laurenson, AgResearch 

Seth is the Acting Science Impact Leader for Soil & Water at AgResearch, one of New Zealand's Crown Research Institutes. He launched a new tool for farmers in 2019 that turns data into a visualisation of potential land use change, helping with decision-making on farm. 


Dr Jaco Fourie, Lincoln Agritech

Jaco has a Ph.D in computer vision from the University of Canterbury and a Masters in applied mathematics from the University of Stellenbosch. He joined Lincoln Agritech in July 2013. Prior to that he worked at CropLogic as the modelling technology leader and as researcher at Geospatial Research Centre (NZ). His background is in computer vision, image processing, software, and heuristic optimisation techniques. He also has a strong interest in the emerging field of deep learning and leads the image processing team in its integration. Jaco is involved in building capability and strategic development in this area.

Craige MacKenzie, Greenvale Pastures

Farming since 1984, Craige has developed a keen interest in sustainable farming practices and innovative solutions for New Zealand agriculture.

Craige uses data from soil maps, spatial soil sampling, yield analyses and nitrogen scanners to calculate exactly how much fertiliser is needed in different areas of the farm. He uses rainfall data, soil moisture probes and evapotranspiration sensors to work out where water is needed, and where it isn't. And he consults high-resolution weather forecasts to see if nature is likely to deliver that water in the right dose at the right time, or if irrigation is needed. GPS-driven variable-rate irrigators, sprayers and fertiliser applicators are then put to work, delivering precise doses exactly where they're needed.

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